Our Farming Methods

Our Farm and Methods We Use:

Our journey at Mutual Dream Farm began in January 2020, nestled amidst the breathtaking Rocky Mountains of Bailey, Colorado. Right from the outset, our vision was clear—to cultivate a sustainable and environmentally friendly farm. We embarked on this path with a deep commitment to the principles of responsible farming.

Our approach revolves around fostering soil health and vitality, prioritizing techniques that enhance soil depth and fertility. By embracing these sustainable methods, we aim to create a flourishing ecosystem where nature thrives.

Our animals are at the heart of our mission. They graze on carefully managed pastures through rotational grazing practices, ensuring not only their well-being but also the preservation of the land they call home. We take immense pride in sourcing locally and responsibly, and during the winter months, we provide our animals with locally sourced, chemical-free hay.