Our Animals

Liam - Colorado Mountain Dog

Liam is a remarkably skilled Livestock Guardian Dog (LDG), diligently safeguarding our animals since 2020. He harbors a profound affection for his charges, demonstrating both gentleness and kindness towards the herd while serving as a formidable protector against predators. Liam relishes in belly rubs and cherishes the simple joy of sitting on his owner's lap.

Lexi - Turkish Boz Shepard

Lexi is the latest addition to our LDG team, bringing with her exceptional agility and fearlessness. Despite her bold demeanor, she possesses a deeply ingrained motherly instinct, nurturing and caring for all animals on the farm. She quickly forged a strong bond with Liam, finding solace and joy in belly rubs just like him.

Quack Pack - Muscovy Ducks

Our Muscovy Ducks play a vital role in maintaining the pest population in our garden, while also blessing us with delicious eggs. Beyond their practical contributions, they never fail to entertain. Each morning, as they are released, they gather in a circle, engaging in lively discussions with animated head-bobbing, seemingly planning the day ahead.

Alpine Goats

Our Alpine goats hold a special place on our farm as our very first goats. Renowned for their remarkable agility, they effortlessly navigate nearly vertical rocks during our hikes and fearlessly leap from great heights. Not only do they possess huge personalities, but they also exhibit exceptional mothering instincts. Additionally, they are excellent milk producers, contributing to our supply of high-quality milk.

For those interested, we offer a limited quantity of Raw Milk Shares. Please visit our Farm Share page for more information on how to participate.


We proudly maintain a diverse array of chicken breeds on our farm, enabling us to offer our customers a vibrant spectrum of colored eggs. Our chickens roam freely, enjoying the benefits of free-ranging while also receiving supplemental feed to ensure a balanced diet, especially during the winter months. A particular favorite among our feathered friends are the mealworms, which we raise right here on the farm exclusively for them.

For those interested, our eggs are available for online for local pick-up.

Myotonic Goats (Fainting Goats)

While the Myotonic Goat, also known as Fainting goats, may lack agility, they more than compensate with their charming personalities. These sweet-natured goats are known for their gentle demeanor, making them ideal companions that are easy on fences. They excel as nurturing mothers and are valued for their dual purpose, providing both delicious milk and meat.

For those interested in experiencing the unique flavor of goat meat, we invite you to explore our shop.

Turkeys - Large Breasted

We raise turkeys seasonally to offer clients pasture-raised turkey for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We have a genuine fondness for our turkeys; they exhibit amusing personalities, and we take delight in observing them proudly display their feathers.

For those interested in a pasture-raised turkey, we invite you to visit our Farm Share page.